Tuesday, February 17, 2009


This post has been taken from the blog: Hues of Joy (http://ratnaabhishek.blogspot.com/2009/02/studies.html).

Around 7 years ago, Guruji was meeting a group of young adult participants in Narayana. I also got in with them, for i just wantedddd to meet Himmmm. In the QnA, one girl asked, "Guruji, how to become perfect at studies?" Guruji asked "What?"
"How to become perfect at studies Guruji?"
"How to become perfect Guruji?"
"Come again..."
"Guruji how to become perfect?"
By now the whole group (mostly girls) were giggling...

When the girl started to ask again, Guruji, who had been looking right into her eyes all the while, abruptly asked "Got it?"

So, got it?