Friday, September 12, 2008

Joy of Giving

Seva and spiritual practices go together. As the urge to share increases, the deeper you go into meditation. It is tested and proven that when we make service our biggest agenda in life, it eliminates fear, brings focus to our mind, purposefulness in action and long-term joy.

Seva always seems to give one a big kick. It is the most effective antidote to depression. The day you feel hopeless and horrible, just get out of your room and ask people. “What can I do for you?” The service you then do will change the tape in your mental deck to a song of joy. There are two types of joy. One is the joy of getting. The child says, “If I get something, I will be happy. If I get a toy, I will be happy.” This is the joy of a child. We are mostly stuck at this level and don’t seem to grow beyond. But ahead of us is a mature joy, the joy of giving. When you do something just for the joy of it and not to get anything out of it, that is seva.

PS.: For starters all you iitk guys can volunteer some of your time for the bihar relief fund collection in iitk.

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