Thursday, August 28, 2008
Message from earth
Here is a special message for on the link below:
All the best for your exams!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
The Mind

Let us examine the five factors that influence the mind: space, time, food, past impressions, and associations and actions.
Space: The place you are in. Every place you are in has a different impact on the mind. Even in your house, you can see that you feel different in different rooms. A place where there has been singing, chanting and meditation has a different influence on the mind. Suppose you like a particular place, you may find that a little later it will not be the same.Time: Time is also a factor. Different times of the day and year have different influences on the mind.
Food: Different types of food that you eat influence you for a few days.Past impressions or karmas: have a different impact on the mind. Awareness, alertness, knowledge and meditation all help erase past impressions.
Associations and actions: The people and events you are associated with influence your mind. With certain people your mind behaves one way and with others a different way.Although these five factors influence your life and your mind, know that the Self is more powerful. As you grow in knowledge, you influence them all.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Exam Time
The Professor passed out the exam sheets and told the class that they had only 30 minutes. Every five minutes, he reminded the class how much time was left. This only made Joey more and more nervous.
Finally, after 30 minutes, the Professor said, "Stop! The exam is over. Turn them in!"
One by one, the papers were handed in. But, Joey just kept working on that exam. The Professor decided to wait it out and see how long it would take him.
After another 20 minutes, Joey turned in his exam. The Professor asked him, "What are you doing?"
Joey answered, "Turning in my exam."
The professor then told Joey, "The exam was over 20 minutes ago. You have failed!"
Joey then looked the Professor in the eye, and asked, "Do you know who I am?"
The professor answered, "No."
Then Joey asked, "You really don't know who I am, do you?" as if he were a very important person.
The Professor again, said, "No, I don't know who you are and I don't care!"
Then Joey shoved his exam right in the middle of the other exams, that were on the Professor's desk, and said, "Good!" and bolted out of the room.
Monday, August 25, 2008
A caravan of camels!!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Starting on a happy note !
Being unconditionally Happy is a practice.
'Come what may, today I'm going to smile...
Let me atleast smile this moment, enjoy my very breath' "
- Sri Sri

"Be Happy! This is an order as well as a blessing."
Friday, August 22, 2008
The story of a beginning
As usual, meeting was called in urgency, to “Plan out” things. Shubham started with Blog, “What about the name guys?” From where does Shubam get such ideas I don’t know but answered himself saying ‘Its Not Easy, Its Fun’. And first reaction was ‘YUCK!!!!’. Exactly at this critically important point ‘Bhens’ intervened, ‘nahi, nahi yaaarrr....kuchh fandu .... kuchh creative hona chaiye like......'YES!+ creative' ’....Avani says and there was silence just like 3.5 sec before Big Bang ........ and then there was blast ............... Ha Ha Ha ha haHa Ha Ha Ha Ha ha haHa Ha Ha Ha Ha ha haHa Ha Ha Ha Ha ha haHa Ha Ha Ha Ha ha haHa Ha Ha Ha Ha ha haHa Ha (by the way how she came up with this, is a story in itself, which can be a different blog itself).
Amidst this Big Bang of Laughter ......... out of nowhere...... ‘YES!+ Pages’...... Gujju jumped.......... “‘YES!+ Pages’ like ‘Yellow Pages’ & ‘White Pages’ see .... you see .....”.(Yes it’s true. Gujju always thinks differently. So differently that everyone is sceptic about whatever he says!!!) Again the Universe shrinked. But this time, breaking this short moment of silence, Abhishek Singh, to Gujju’s (and his own) great surprise, appreciated the name. Now it’s rare for Gujju that his ideas get accepted. (Rare even for us to have a situation in which we have to accept his ideas........... so this means, .........Start Thinking Guys!!!!!). Gujju must be on cloud 9 ,or 99 may be, after this....... but humbly he added, “Name was inspired from Avani di’s idea.”(See I said, even God must be sceptic, How????)
Anyways in this fashion we got the name ‘YES!+ Pages’.
Pages where Joy, Celebration, Love, Masti, Zest, Cheer, Delight of YES!+ life (which I call YES!+ felicity) will be kept alive.